Build a foundation for reliable growth

Partnering knowledge with action, we empower businesses to achieve revenue and growth goals through Sales Strategy, Partnered Outreach, and Sales Enablement, both domestically and internationally.

Transforming revenue generation at:

Our Work

Transforming a Japanese Education Center into an International Player:

At AB Enterprise, a Japanese private education company founded in 1983, we embarked on a transformative journey, helping them break barriers and expand their horizons on an international scale. With an enrollment of 250 students, AB Enterprise sought to simultaneously modernize its digital presence and establish partnerships with Japanese businesses doing business abroad in the hopes of driving both increased revenue and enrollment.

Leveraging our expertise, we implemented data-driven customer acquisition strategies which:

  • decreased their CAC while increasing B2C acquisition by 30% YoY.
  • established an outbound B2B sales motion, complete with messaging, ICP development, and playbook creation, resulting in new partnerships that drove an outsized increase in company revenue for Q1 & Q2 of 2023.
  • built a custom mobile application to better serve clients, resulting in higher overall customer satisfaction, retention, and referrals.

Services by Industry

(<$25M ARR)

  • SaaS
  • Education
  • Outsourcing
  • Industrial Manufacturing

We partner with growth stage SaaS companies to provide the expertise and experience they need to hit current growth goals and build the momentum needed to drive reliable revenue growth going forward.

  • Technology Implementation
  • Playbook Creation
  • Full-Cycle Sales Support
  • Sales Funnel Optimization
  • Outbound Sales Development (Domestic)
  • Localization (USA, China, and Japan)
  • International Sales Development ( China, Japan, & Singapore)

We support small-to-medium size private-education companies in China and Japan to help them increase enrollment, drive down custom acquisition costs (CAC), and expand their services to increase revenue and business trajectory in ever-changing markets.

  • Website Development
  • Computer/Mobile Application Development
  • Sales Playbook Creation
  • Outbound Sales Development
  • Marketing Strategy Review & Design
  • International Recruiting


We work with outsourcing companies across China, Japan, and the US, allowing them to better develop their domestic market, alongside opening up services to foreign markets within China, Japan, and the US.

  • Localization
  • Website Development
  • Sales Playbook Creation
  • Inside Sales Development
  • Full-Cycle Sales Support

Industrial Manufacturing

We transform industrial manufacturers in China, Japan, and the US helping them to accelerate growth through building and executing international expansion strategies across East South, East Asia, and North America (Canada & USA).

  • Localization
  • Sales Playbook Creation
  • Outbound Sales Development
  • Website Development
  • Marketing Strategy Review & Design
  • International Recruiting



Industry Expertise and Experience:

At Raize we bring nearly half a decade of industry specific sales experience to the table in the domestic and international education, SAAS, outsourcing, and industrial manufacturing sectors. Alongside our partners, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that businesses face in an ever increasingly competitive landscape, and posses the insights to develop tailored strategies that drive success.

By partnering with us you gain access to partners with a track record of success, industry connections to jump start your revenue pipeline, and the determination to succeed.

Fully Customized Solutions:

We firmly believe that one size does not fit all when it comes to sales and marketing strategies. Your business is unique, with its own goals, target audience, and most importantly market dynamics. That’s why we take a personalized approach to every client engagement.

Our team takes the time to understand your business, its strengths, and the story you tell to differentiate yourself from the competition and win.

We then develop customized solutions alongside your team that align with your needs, objectives, and business potential.

Whether you’re looking to expand your customer base, optimize your sales funnel, or enhance your brand presence, we ensure that your roadmap is custom tailored for success.

Results Driven Approach:

Delivering tangible results to our partners and clients is our comittment. The ultimate goal of any sales and marketing motion is to drive business growth and generate revenue. That’s why our strategies are designed with a strong focus on achieving measurable outcomes.

We leverage data-driven insights, industry best-practices, and outside-of-the-box thinking to ensure that our efforts can be seen, measured, repeated, and scaled over every week, quarter, and fiscal year, so that all every insight and resource utilized along our journey together become the foundation of future growth.

From monitoring the performance of implemented strategies to tracking key metrics, every data point is monitored, gleaned for insights, and adjusted as necessary to optimize your business outcomes.


We offer two transparent pricing options to give clients the ability to assess and evaluate the potential cost and ROI of any partnership at any point of our journey together.

Flat-hourly based

At $150 per hour, this option is best for early-stage businesses who have a a vision and game plan to make it a reality, but don’t have the full bandwidth or team structure to execute.


Our project-based pricing is better suited for businesses who have a goal in mind, but who expect needs and project details to evolve. This option entails an agreed upon price upon completion of a project review, and the ability to pay in installments at agreed upon intervals (dates or outcomes).

Copyright 2023 @ Raize Partners
